En-31ApplicationThese specifications cover the communications control ofthe plasma monitor by external equipment.ConnectionsConnections are made as described below.Connector on the plasma monitor side: EXTERNALCONTROL connector.Use a crossed (reverse) cable.Type of connector: D-Sub 9-pin male1 5962 3 47 8Communication Parameters(1) Communication system Asynchronous(2) Interface RS-232C(3) Baud rate 9600 bps(4) Data length 8 bits(5) Parity Odd(6) Stop bit 1 bit(7) Communication code HexExternal Control Codes (Reference)FUNCTION CODE DATAPower ON 9FH 80H 60H 4EH 00H CDHOFF 9FH 80H 60H 4FH 00H CEHInput Switch Video1 (RCA) DFH 80H 60H 47H 01H 01H 08HVideo2 (S-Video) DFH 80H 60H 47H 01H 02H 09HDVD/HD1 (RCA) DFH 80H 60H 47H 01H 05H 0CHDVD/HD2 (RCA) DFH 80H 60H 47H 01H 06H 0DHDVD/HD3 (HDMI) DFH 80H 60H 47H 01H 0EH 15HPC/RGB (mini D-sub 15-pin) DFH 80H 60H 47H 01H 07H 0EHDVD/HD4 (HDMI) DFH 80H 60H 47H 01H 1AH 21HAudio Mute ON 9FH 80H 60H 3EH 00H BDHOFF 9FH 80H 60H 3FH 00H BEHPicture Mode NORMAL DFH 80H 60H OAH 01H 01H CBHTHEATER 1 DFH 80H 60H OAH 01H 02H CCHTHEATER 2 DFH 80H 60H OAH 01H 03H CDHDEFAULT DFH 80H 60H OAH 01H 04H CEHBRIGHT DFH 80H 60H OAH 01H 05H CFHScreen Mode STADIUM DFH 80H 60H 51H 01H 02H 13HZOOM DFH 80H 60H 51H 01H 03H 14HNORMAL DFH 80H 60H 51H 01H 04H 15HANAMORPHIC DFH 80H 60H 51H 01H 05H 16H14 : 9 DFH 80H 60H 51H 01H 09H 1AH2.35 : 1 DFH 80H 60H 51H 01H 0AH 1BHAuto Picture ON DFH 80H 60H 7FH 03H 03H 09H 00H 4DHOFF DFH 80H 60H 7FH 03H 03H 09H 01H 4EHCinema Mode ON DFH 80H 60H C1H 01H 01H 82HOFF DFH 80H 60H C1H 01H 02H 83HNote: Contact your local dealer for a full list of theExternal Control Codes if needed.DisplayExternal equipmente.g., Personal computerPin NameNo ConnectionRXD (Receive data)TXD (Transmit data)DTR (DTE side ready)GNDPin No.12345Pin No.6789Pin NameDSR (DCE side ready)RTS (Ready to send)CTS (Clear to send)No connection5 4 3 2 115 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6PC/RGBmini D-Sub 15-pin connector(Analog)Signal (Analog)RedGreen or sync-on-greenBlueNo connectionGroundRed groundGreen groundBlue groundNo connectionSync signal groundNo connectionBi-directional DATA (SDA)Horizontal sync or Composite syncVertical syncData clockPin No.123456789101112131415External Control Pin Assignments