English-19EnglishPicture AspectDVI, VGA, RGB/HV, DPORTFULL 1:1 ZOOM NORMALHDMI, DVD/HD, SCART, VIDEO1, VIDEO2, S-VIDEOFULL WIDE DYNAMIC 1:1 ZOOM NORMALAspect ratioof image Unchanged view* 3 Recommended selectionfor picture aspect* 34:3NORMALDYNAMICSqueezeFULLLetterboxWIDE*3 Grey areas indicate unused portions of the screen.NORMAL: Displays the aspect ratio the same as it is sentfrom the source.FULL: Fills entire screen.WIDE: Expands a 16:9 letter box signal to fi ll entire screen.DYNAMIC: Expands a 4:3 pictures to fi ll the entire screenwith non-linearity. Some of the outside image area will be cutoff due to expansion.1:1: Displays the image in a 1 by 1 pixel format.ZOOMThe image can be expanded beyond the active display area.The image which is outside of active display area is notshown.ZOOMZOOMPower IndicatorMode Status Indicator LightPower ON Green*1Power OFFPower consumption under 0.5 WRedPower SavePower consumption under 1 W*2AmberPower Standby when “SCHEDULESETTINGS” enabledGreen and Amber blink alternatelyDiagnosis (Detecting failure) Red Blinking(See Troubleshooting page 39)*1 If “OFF” is selected in POWER INDICATOR (page 25), the LED will not light when theLCD monitor is in active mode.*2 Without any option, with factory settings, VGA input only.Using Power ManagementThe LCD monitor follows the VESA approved DPM DisplayPower Management function.The power management function is an energy savingfunction that automatically reduces the power consumptionof the display when the keyboard or the mouse has not beenused for a fi xed period.The power management feature on your new display hasbeen set to the “ON” mode. This allows your display toenter a Power Saving Mode when no signal is applied. Thiscould potentially increase the life and decrease the powerconsumption of the display.NOTE: Depending on the PC and video card used, thisfunction may not operate.NOTE: It takes about 10 minutes for the monitor to go intopower management mode when using DVD/HD,SCART, VIDEO1, VIDEO2 and S-VIDEO.Selecting a video sourceTo view a video source:Use the input button to set [VIDEO1], [VIDEO2], [S-VIDEO].Use the COLOR SYSTEM menu to set [AUTO], [NTSC],[PAL], [SECAM], [PAL60], [4.43NTSC], according to yourvideo format.