533. Convenient FeaturesCRESTRON ROOMVIEW compatibilityThe projector supports CRESTRON ROOMVIEW, allowing multiple devices connected in the network to be managedand controlled from a computer or a controller.For more information, visit http://www.crestron.comAccess to the HTTP server function, and make necessary settings for [CRESTRON] in [NETWORK SETTINGS].• ROOMVIEW for managing from the computer.DISABLE Disables ROOMVIEW.ENABLE Enables ROOMVIEW.• CRESTRON CONTROL for managing from the controller.DISABLE Disables CRESTRON CONTROL.ENABLE Enables CRESTRON CONTROL.IP ADDRESS Set your IP address of CRESTRON SERVER.IP ID Set your IP ID of CRESTRON SERVER.TIP: The CRESTRON settings are required only for use with CRESTRON ROOMVIEW.For more information, visit http://www.crestron.com• INFORMATIONWIRED LAN Display a list of settings of wired LAN connection.WIRELESS LAN Display a list of settings of wireless LAN connection.UPDATE Reflect settings when they are changed.