General Description 2-27TIPS: When there are many accesses, the access LED will blink frequently. Check if the LED blinksin green when the number of accesses decreases, or if it is green when there are no accessesanymore. When you power on NEC Express5800/ft series and the access LEDs do not illuminate green,remount the hard disks.LAN Connector LEDsTwo LAN ports (connectors) located in the back have two LEDs each.• 100/10 LED (LAN connector 2), 1000/100/10 LED (LAN connector 1)These LEDs show the transfer rate of the network that is being connected.LED indications LAN connector 11000/100/10LAN connector 2100/10Amber Operating as 1000BASE-T. Operating as 100BASE-TX.Off Operating as 100BASE-TX or10BASE-T.Operating as 10BASE-T.• LINK/ACT LEDThe LINK/ACT LED shows the status of a standard network port. It is green if power is suppliedto the main unit and hub, and they are connected correctly (“LINK”). It blinks green while thenetwork port sends or receives data (ACT).When the LED does not illuminate during “LINK,” check the condition and connection ofnetwork cables. If there is nothing wrong with the cables, a defect is suspected in the network(LAN) controller. In this case, contact your sales agent.