215TO EDIT DIRECTORY DATA FROMCALL HISTORYSTEP 1: Display call history data of a target telephonenumber (see TO VIEW CALL HISTORY).The following is an example when history data ofan Incoming Call is displayed.Press HELP key or Option soft key whiledisplaying the call history data for the targettelephone number.STEP 2: The following Sub Menu is displayed. SelectDirectory Add.Select an item by either of the following operations.• Highlight an item by using , and then press ,or OK soft key.• Press key, and then press , or OK softkeySTEP 3: Select Addition.Select an item by either of the following operations.• Highlight an item by using , and then press ,or OK soft key.• Press key.STEP 4: Select a search method.See TO FIND REGISTERED DATA for theprocedure of the searching method.In this example, Group is selected.Select an item by either of the following operations.• Highlight an item by using , and then press ,or OK soft key.• Press key.DT8301[Incoming]OptionBack22/SEP/2014 (MON) 11:00720572052212SubMenu3OKBackPrefixCall4 Delete One5 Delete AllDirectory Add2212[Directory Edit]OKBack NewAddition11