214Selectable categories are as follows:STEP 5: Select either Disable or Enable.A maximum of four telephone numbers can be setto an entry. If Enable is selected here, the tele-phone number which is being edited will be giventop priority. In that case, the telephone number isautomatically selected when you make a call with-out specifying a specific telephone number.Select an item by either of the following operations.• Highlight an item by using , and then pressor OK soft key.• Press or key, and then press or OK softkey.STEP 6: The following Edit screen is displayed.“31312” has been registered to Tel #1.See “TO ADD NEW DATA” in Chapter 6 Di-rectory Operation, and register detailed data(such as name, group, etc) to directory.Category ICONCompanyMobileVoice MailHomeOthers12[Category]345CompanyNextBackOthersHomeMobileVoice Mail1 221 2Note: If the corresponding data is not stored in thedirectory, only the telephone number will be dis-played as Tel #1.Note: If the corresponding data has already stored inthe directory, the detailed data (such as namegroup, etc.) is displayed.12[Priority Flag]DisableOKPrevEnable12[Edit]34567890GrNo OKBackTel #4Tel #2Tel #30SaveGroupCompany Name31312Ring ToneIlluminationName