0501 - System NumberingDescriptionUse Program 0501 - System Numbering to set the system’s internal(Intercom) numbering plan. The numbering plan includes the digits anextension user must dial to access features and other extensions. If thedefault numbering plan does not meet the site requirements (i.e., youcannot make room numbers be the same as telephone extension num-bers), use this program to tailor the system numbering.Changing the numbering plan consists of three steps:1. Enter the digits you want to change.2. Specify the length of the code you select to change.3. Assign a function to the code selected.Step 1: Enter the digit(s) you want to changeYou can make either single or two digit entries. In the DialedNumber column in the table beginning on page 4-12, the nX rows(e.g., 1X) are for single digit codes. The remaining rows (e.g., 11, 12,etc.) are for two digit codes. Entering a single digit affects all the Dialed Number entries begin-ning with that digit. For example, entering 6 affects all numberplan entries beginning with 6. The entries you make in step 2 andstep 3 below affect the entire range of numbers beginning with 6.(For example, if you enter 3 in step 2 the entries affected would be600-699. If you enter 4 in step 2 below, the entries affected wouldbe 6000-6999.) Entering two digits lets you define codes based on the first twodigits a user dials. For example, entering 60 allows you to definethe function of all codes beginning with 60. In the default pro-gram, only * and # use two-digit codes. All the other codes aresingle digit. If you enter a two digit code between 0 and 9, be sureto make separate entries for all the other two digit codes within therange as well. This is because in the default program all the twodigit codes between 0 and 9 are undefined. In the PC Program, the nX entry is for single digit codes. Forexample, 6X is for all codes between 600 and 699.CautionImproperly programming this option can adversely affectsystem operation. Make sure you thoroughly understandthe default numbering plan before proceeding. If you mustchange the standard numbering, use the tables that followto keep careful and accurate records of your changes.Before changing your numbering plan, make a backupcopy of your system’s data. Use the extra disk shippedwith your system to make the backup copy.4-94. Setting Up FlexibleSystem Numbering