Do Not Disturb2-22. Hotel/Motel FeaturesDo Not Disturb (DND) blocks a telephone’s incoming calls and Pagingannouncements. A guest can activate DND any time they need privacy(for example, if they need to work uninterrupted). Once a guest activatesDo Not Disturb, they can still place calls and dial other hotel/motel ser-vices from their room telephone. Callers to the DND extension hear errortone or the voice prompt, “Please do not disturb” (if installed).Supervisor’s stations can remotely activate and cancel Do Not Disturb forroom telephones. If you allow room telephones to activate DND, youshould also allow supervisor stations to remotely activate and cancel.Checking out a guest will also deactivate their phone’s Do Not Disturb.When first installed . . . Do Not Disturb is disabled.Using Do Not DisturbTo enable DND at a room telephone:1. Lift handset.2. Dial 127.You hear confirmation tone after you dial the code.3. Hang up.The supervisor’s station can still call the extension by usingthe business mode feature Do Not Disturb Override.To cancel DND at a room telephone phone:1. Lift handset.You hear stutter dial tone when you lift the handset.2. Dial 128.You hear confirmation tone.3. Hang up.When youwant privacy,use Do NotDisturb toblock yourincomingcalls.