The SPL meter should be placed at the primary listening position, atapproximately the height of the seated listener’s head. A tripod is helpfulbut with a little duct tape almost anything — a pole lamp, music-stand,or ladder-backed chair, for example — can do as well. just be sure that nolarge acoustically reflective surfaces obstruct or are near the microphoneelement.Orient the meter with its microphone (usually at one end) pointing straightup toward the ceiling (not toward the speakers) and ensure that “C”weighting scale is selected. Set the meter to display 75 dB SPL. On RadioShack meters, this necessitates either setting the meter to its 80 dB rangeand taking your readings at the -5 point or selecting the 70 dB range andreading at the +5 point.SETTING SPEAKER LEVELS AT TEST MODEWhile at ‘Speaker Levels’ menu, press the HTRC 1 remote’s ‘Test’ keyactivating the T 785’s Speaker Levels balancing test signal . You will hear a“surf” sound as you step through your speakers (‘test’ appears to the rightside of the current speaker), beginning with the Front Left. If you do nothear the test signal, check your speaker connections or your ‘Speaker Setup’OSD menu settings.Use the remote’s keys to adjust the loudness of the noise output fromthe currently playing channel to the required level (it’s usually simplest tobegin with the Front Left). As you cycle the test signal around the speakers,the OSD will highlight the currently playing channel. The “level offset”reading on the right will change by 1 dB increments; ±12 dB adjustment isavailable. Press ‘ENTER’ to adjust the next speaker.NOTEIf you are balancing levels “by ear”, choose one speaker—usually thecenter—as a reference and adjust each of the others in turn to “sound asloud” as the reference. Be sure that you remain in the primary listeningposition while balancing all channels.To produce the same SPL meter reading (or subjective loudness), use the remote’skeys to adjust each speaker.NOTES• All speakers must be in their final locations before level-setting.• Your subwoofer (if any) should be set with its integral crossover defeated,or if undefeatable, set to its highest-possible frequency if you are usingthe T 785's Subwoofer output. Final subwoofer-level adjustment “by-ear,”using music and film sound material, is frequently useful.• Due to the effects of room acoustics, matched-pair speakers (front;surround; back) will not always calibrate to exactly the same level offsetreadings.You can exit ‘Test’ mode at any time by pressing key, bringing you back to‘Speaker Setup’ menu. You can also press the ‘TEST’ key to discontinue the‘Test’ mode.SPEAKER DISTANCEYour system’s speaker distance settings are a subtle but importantrefinement of your setup. Informing the T 785 of the loudspeaker-to-listenerdimensions of each speaker automatically imposes the correct delays,optimizing imaging, intelligibility and surround-sound ambience. Enter yourdimensions with precision within about 1 foot (30 cm).SETTING SPEAKER DISTANCEWhile at ‘Speaker Distance’ menu, use the keys to individually set FrontLeft, Center, Front Right, Surround Right, Back Right, Back Left, SurroundLeft and Subwoofer to the distance measuring from your principal listeningposition to the front surface of their corresponding loudspeakers. Distancecan be set up to 30 feet or 9.1 meters Distance can be displayed as feet ormeters selectable at the ‘Unit of Measure’ item.ADjUSTING THE VOLUMEIn addition to the Volume knob, use the HTRC 1’s VOL to adjust the “mastervolume” of the T 785 raising or lowering the channels altogether. A momentarykeypress will change the master volume by 1 dB increments. If you hold downVOL , the master-volume change will “run-on” until the key is released.Since recordings vary considerably in overall average level, there is noimperative to listen at any particular master-volume setting. A setting of -20 dBmay sound “as loud” from one CD or DVD as -10 dB does from another.The T 785 will power-up from Standby mode at whatever master volumesetting was last used; however, if the prior setting was greater than –20 dB,the T 785 will power up at –20 dB. This prevents inadvertently beginning asession at excessive volume.MUTING THE SOUNDUse the HTRC 1’s ‘Mute’ key to silence all channels completely. Muting isalways available regardless of the source or listening mode selections.NOTES• Changing input or listening-mode selections does not release muting.• Adjusting the volume level via the HTRC 1 or the front panel volumeknob will automatically release the mute function.OPERATIONUSING THE T 785 – SETUP MENU5ENGLISHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLITALIANODEUTSCHNEDERLANDSSVENSKAРУССКИЙ