ABOUT USER NAMESA Preset number can be assigned a twelve “User Name”. The assigned “UserName” will be shown in the VFD and OSD whenever the associated Presetnumber is recalled.ENTERING USER NAMESA Preset number can be assigned the user name “NEWS” by the followingprocedure. The buttons mentioned below refer to HTR 8 buttons. Thecorresponding front panel buttons execute the same functions as described.1 Recall the desired Preset number to be assigned a “User Name”.2 Then, press the [MEMORY] button once and within five (5) seconds,press the [INFO] button - the readout shows a blinking box.3 Use the [ D/F ] buttons to select the first character of the name (“N”from the alphabetical list).4 Press [ S ] button to select the character and correspondingly moveforward to the next position. (Press [ A ] to go back to the previouscharacter). Repeat this process for each character in sequence.5 Press the [MEMORY] key again to store the User Name and exit the text-entry mode.ABOUT RDSThe Radio Data System (RDS) permits sending small amounts of digitalinformation using conventional FM radio broadcasts. The T 777 supportstwo RDS modes, program-service name (PS mode) and radio-text (RTmode). Not every FM station incorporates RDS in its broadcast signal. Inmost areas you will find from one to several RDS-enabled stations, but it isby no means impossible that your favorite stations will not be broadcastingRDS data.VIEW RDS TEXTWhen an RDS-enabled FM broadcast is tuned, the readout’s charactersection will show its program-service name (PS) text.Press the HTR 8’s [INFO] button to toggle the readout between this and thestation’s radio-text (RT) readout, if any, which might scroll song- or artist-name, or any other text of the station’s choosing.FM 107.10M P06NADOPERATIONLISTENING TO AM/FM RADIO33ENGLISHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLITALIANODEUTSCHNEDERLANDSSVENSKAРУССКИЙ