IR IN and IR OUT 1, IR OUT 2, IR OUT 3r Connect the T 777’s IR IN to the IR OUT of a compatible device.Connect also the T 777’s IR OUT 1 (and/or IR OUT 2, IR OUT 3) to theIR IN of a compatible device.r With this setup, the T 777 acts as an “IR-repeater” allowing the deviceconnected to the T 777’ s IR IN control or command of the otherdevice linked to T 777’s IR OUT 1 (and/or IR OUT 2, IR OUT 3).IR OUT 3r IR OUT 3 can only function as an “IR-repeater” as described above.11 MP DOCKThe T 777 is equipped with a data port in the rear panel where anoptional NAD IPD (NAD IPD Dock for iPod) 1, NAD IPD 2 and latervariants can be plugged in.r Connect the “MP DOCK (DATA PORT)” jack of the T 777 to thecorresponding “DATA PORT” socket of the optional NAD IPD model.r AUDIO 5 and S-VIDEO 3 are the assigned default ports for the audio/video output of the separately sold NAD IPD (NAD IPD Dock foriPod) 1, NAD IPD 2 and later variants.r Refer also to the “LISTENING TO YOUR iPod PLAYER” segment of the“OPERATION” section.NOTEThe NAD IPD Dock for iPod is not supplied with your T 777.12 ETHERNET/LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) PORTLAN connection must be setup for wired connection to be established.Set up a Wired Ethernet broadband router with broadband internetconnection. Your router or home network should have a built-in DHCPserver to consummate the connection.r Using a standard straight-through Ethernet cable, connect oneend of the Ethernet cable to the LAN port of your wired Ethernetbroadband router and the other end to T 777’s LAN port.r This Ethernet connection has similar function as that of the RS232connection. With your PC and the T 777 on the same network,it allows remote control of the T 777 via compatible externalcontrollers.r With your PC and T 777 connected on the same network, the IPaddress of your T 777 can be obtained. Press together and thenrelease the front panel buttons [a SOURCE] and [SOURCE s] -“System Info” is shown in the VFD and OSD. Toggle [a SOURCE] or[SOURCE s] to individually show in the VFD the “System Info” detailswhich include the IP address.r Refer to the NAD website for information about RS232 Protocoldocuments and PC interface program.NOTESr NAD is not responsible for any malfunction of the T 777 and/or theinternet connection due to communication errors or malfunctionsassociated with your broadband internet connection or other connectedequipment. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for assistance orthe service bureau of your other equipment.r Contact your ISP for policies, charges, content restrictions, servicelimitations, bandwidth, repair and other related issues pertinent tointernet connectivity.13 COMPONENT VIDEO INPUT 1-3, COMPONENT VIDEO OUTr Connect the Component Video Input to Component Video outputof compatible source components, typically a DVD player, BDplayer, digital cable box or other applicable components. ConnectComponent Video Out to the Component Video input of acompatible video monitor/TV.r Be sure to observe consistency in connecting the Y/Pb/Pr jacksto the corresponding sources/inputs. The routing of the threecomponent video input is fully configurable via the Source Setupitem of the Setup Menu OSD.r The T 777’s sets of component video input and output are fullywideband and compatible with allowable HDTV formats.14 ZONE 2-3-4r The T 777 has three configurable Zones – Zone 2, Zone 3 and Zone4. The Zone feature allows one to simultaneously experience ina different zone or location of the house a Source assigned to aparticular zone.r Sends zone selected audio source to the corresponding audio inputof another zone. Use high quality patch cables to reduce noisepickup over long distance runs.r For a better understanding of zone settings, study below the sectionabout “Zone Controls” of the “Main Menu” discussion as well as theitem about “Zone Setup” under the “Setup Menu” literatures.15 AUDIO PRE-OUTThe AUDIO PRE- OUT makes it possible to use the T 777 as a pre-amplifier to external power amplifiers for some or all channels.r Connect FRONT L, FRONT R, CENTER, SURR R, SURR L, SURR-BL andSURR-BR to the respective channel input of a power amplifier oramplifiers driving the corresponding applicable speakers.r Connect the SUBW1 (and/or SUBW2) output to powered (“active”)subwoofers or to power amplifier channels driving a passive system.r Unlike the full range channels, there is no power amplifier built-intothe T 777 for a subwoofer.16 SPEAKERS A, SPEAKERS Br Connect the respective SPEAKER A’s FRONT L, FRONT R, CENTER,SURR R, SURR L, SURR-BL and SURR-BR channels to theircorresponding loudspeakers. Make sure the “+” (red) terminal and“-“(black) terminal are connected to the corresponding “+” and“-“terminals of the loudspeaker. Use extra care to ensure that nostray wires or strands cross between posts or terminals at either end.r Connect left and right channels of SPEAKERS B to the correspondingremote loudspeakers. When SPEAKERS B is activated, the outputis converted to “Stereo Downmix”. Combining SPEAKER A andSPEAKER B (SPEAKERS A + B) will also result to the source beingdownmixed to stereo.r The T 777 is designed to produce optimum sound quality whenconnected to speakers with impedances within its operating range.Please make sure that all the speakers are rated 4Ω minimum perspeaker.NOTEUse stranded wire of at least 16 gauge (AWG). Connections to the T 777can be made with banana plugs (120V version only) or by using barewire or pins. Use the transverse hole through the post for bare-wire orpin connections. By loosening the terminal’s plastic nut, make a clean,neat connection and re-tighten carefully. To minimize the dangerof short-circuit, ensure that only 1/2-inch of exposed wire or pin isemployed when connecting.IDENTIFICATION OF CONTROLSREAR PANEL10ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL ITALIANO DEUTSCH NEDERLANDS SVENSKA РУССКИЙ