Maintenance Section 44-4 Part No. 80-1640-3Interior Cleaning and SanitizingGENERALClean and sanitize the ice machine every six months forefficient operation. If the ice machine requires morefrequent cleaning and sanitizing, consult a qualifiedservice company to test the water quality andrecommend appropriate water treatment or installationof AuCS® accessory (Automatic Cleaning System). Ifrequired, an extremely dirty ice machine may be takenapart for cleaning and sanitizing.CLEANING PROCEDUREIce machine cleaner is used to remove lime scale orother mineral deposits. It is not used to remove algae orslime. Refer to the section on Sanitizing for removal ofalgae and slime.Step 1 Set the toggle switch to the OFF position afterice falls from the evaporator at the end of a Harvestcycle. Or, set the switch to the OFF position and allowthe ice to melt off the evaporator.Step 2 To start cleaning, place the toggle switch in theCLEAN position. The water will flow through the waterdump valve and down the drain. The Clean light will turnon to indicate the ice machine is in the Cleaning mode.Step 3 Wait about one minute or until water starts toflow over the evaporator.Step 4 Add the proper amount of Manitowoc IceMachine Cleaner to the water trough.Step 5 The ice machine will automatically time out aten minute cleaning cycle, followed by six rinse cycles,and stop. The Clean light will turn off to indicate theCleaning mode is completed. This entire cycle lastsapproximately 25 minutes.Step 6 When the cleaning process stops, move thetoggle switch to OFF position. Refer to “SanitizingProcedure” on the next page.Step 7A. The ice machine may be set to start and finish acleaning procedure then automatically start icemaking again.B. You must wait about one minute into thecleaning cycle (until water starts to flow over theevaporator) then move the switch from CLEANto ICE position.C. When the cleaning cycle is completed, an icemaking sequence will start automatically.! CautionUse only Manitowoc approved Ice Machine Cleaner(part number 94-0546-3) and Sanitizer (part number94-0565-3). It is a violation of Federal law to usethese solutions in a manner inconsistent with theirlabeling. Read and understand all labels printed onbottles before use.! CautionDo not mix Cleaner and Sanitizer solutions together.It is a violation of Federal law to use these solutionsin a manner inconsistent with their labeling.! WarningWear rubber gloves and safety goggles (and/or faceshield) when handling ice machine Cleaner orSanitizer.! CautionNever use anything to force ice from the evaporator.Damage may result.Model Amount of CleanerQ200 Q280 Q320 Q370 3 ounces (90 ml)Q420 Q450 Q600 Q800 5 ounces (150 ml)Q1000 Q1300Q1600 Q18009 ounces (270 ml)ImportantAfter the toggle switch is moved to the ICE position,opening the curtain switch will interrupt the cleaningsequence. The sequence will resume from the pointof interruption when the curtain switch closes.