Section 4 MaintenancePart No. 80-1640-3 4-3WATER-COOLED CONDENSERAND WATER REGULATING VALVESymptoms of restrictions in the condenser water circuitinclude:• Low ice production• High water consumption• High operating temperatures• High operating pressuresIf the ice machine is experiencing any of these symptoms,the water-cooled condenser and water regulating valvemay require cleaning due to scale build-up.The cleaning procedures require special pumps andcleaning solutions. Follow the manufacturer’sinstructions for the specific cleaner being used.MANITOWOC’S PATENTED CLEANING ORSANITIZING TECHNOLOGYManitowoc Ice Machines include technology that allowsthe initiation and completion of a cleaning or sanitizingcycle at the flip of a switch. This cycle will permitcleaning or sanitizing of all surfaces that come in contactwith the water distribution system. Periodic maintenancemust be performed that includes sanitizing the bin (ordispenser) and adjacent surface areas, which cannot becontacted by the water distribution system.This technology will also allow initiation and completionof a clean or sanitize cycle, after which the ice machineautomatically starts ice making again.Refer to the cleaning or sanitizing procedure forcomplete details.The AuCS Accessory can be set to automatically startand finish a clean or sanitize cycle every 2, 4, or 12weeks. This accessory monitors ice-making cycles andinitiates a cleaning or sanitizing cycle automatically.Refer to Automatic Cleaning System (AuCS) Accessoryfor further details.ALPHASAN®The goal of AlphaSan is to keep the plastic surfaces ofan ice machine cleaner, by reducing or delaying theformation of bio-film. The active ingredient in AlphaSanis the element silver in the form of silver ions (Ag+).AlphaSan slowly releases silver ions via an ionexchange mechanism. When AlphaSan is compoundeddirectly into a plastic part, a controlled release of silverions from the surface is regulated to maintain aneffective concentration at or near the surface of theplastic ice machine part. AlphaSan’s unique ability toeffectively control the release of silver not only protectsagainst undesired discoloration of the plastic, but alsowill last the life of the plastic part. Although AlphaSanhelps prevent bio-film build up it does not eliminate theneed for periodic cleaning and maintenance. AlphaSanhas no adverse effect on the taste of the ice orbeverage.