Section 3 Ice Machine OperationPart Number 000002688 3-7PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE CLEANING PROCEDURE QF400Use Ice machine cleaner part number 000000084 only.This cleaner is used to remove lime scale or othermineral deposits. It is not used to remove algae or slime.Refer to “Cleaning/Sanitizing Procedure” for removal ofalgae and slime. To initiate a cleaning cycle usingManitowoc’s Cleaning Technology use the followingprocedure.Step 1 Set the toggle switch to the OFF position. Openthe bin door and remove the 2 thumbscrews and whiteplastic panel.Step 2 To start a cleaning cycle, move the toggle switchto the CLEAN position. Water will flow through the waterdump valve and down the drain. The flush, gear motor,speed, dump valve and water solenoid lights willenergize to indicate the ice machine is in the cleanmode.Step 3 Wait about one minute or until the dump valvelight de-energizes. Lift the front cover on the waterreservoir and add the proper amount of Manitowoc IceMachine Cleaner.Step 4 The ice machine will automatically time out fourflush and rinse cycles, and then stop. The flush lightremains energized until the toggle switch is moved to theOFF position. This entire cycle lasts approximately 11minutes.NOTE: Periodic cleaning must be performed on adjacentsurface areas not contacted by the water distributionsystem.Manitowoc recommends disassembling, cleaning andsanitizing the ice machine and bin/dispenser every sixmonths.NOTE: The ice machine may be set to start and finish acleaning procedure, and then automatically start icemaking again. Wait about one minute into the cleaningcycle (until the dump valve light de-energizes), thenmove the switch from CLEAN to ICE position.When the cleaning cycle is complete, the flush light willde-energize and ice making will start automaticallyModel Amount of CleanerPart Number 000000084QF400 3 ounces (90 ml)