Page 4HAZARDRisk of AirTankBurstingRisk ofAttachmentsandAccessoriesBurstingHOW TO PREVENT IT• Follow the equipmentmanufacturersrecommendation andnever exceed themaximum allowablepressure rating ofattachments. Neveruse the compressor toinflate small low-pressure objects suchas children’s toys,footballs, basketballs,etc.WHAT CAN HAPPENThe followingconditions could lead toa weakening of thetank, and RESULT IN AVIOLENT TANKEXPLOSIONRESULTING INSERIOUS INJURY TOYOU OR OTHERS:• Failure to properlydrain condensedwater from the tank,causing rust andthinning of the tankwall.• Modifications orattempted repairs tothe tank.• Unauthorizedmodifications to thepressure switch,safety valve, or anyother components,which control tankpressure.Exceeding the pressurerating of air tools, sprayguns, air operatedaccessories, tires ANDother inflatables cancause them to explodeor fly apart, and couldresult in serious injuryto you and others.