Makita AT638A Instruction Manual
Also see for AT638A: Instruction manual and users guideInstruction manualInstruction manualInstruction manual
6 ENGLISHWARNING: The vibration emission duringactual use of the power tool can differ from thedeclared value( s) depending on the ways in whichthe tool is used especially what kind of workpieceis processed.WARNING: Be sure to identify safety mea-sures to protect the operator that are based on anestimation of exposure in the actual conditions ofuse ( taking account of all parts of the operatingcycle such as the times when the tool is switchedoff and when it is running idle in addition to thetrigger time) .EC Declaration of ConformityFor European countries onlyThe EC d ec laration of c onf ormity is inc lud ed as A nnex Ato th is instruc tion manual.SAFETY W ARNINGSPneumatic nailer/stapler safetywarningsWARNING: Read all safety warnings andall instructions. F ailure to f ollow th e w arnings andinstruc tions may result in serious inj ury , elec tric sh oc kand/or fire.Save all warnings and instruc-tions for future reference.For personal saf ety and proper operation and mainte-nanc e of th e tool, read th is instruc tion manual bef oreusing th e tool.General safety1. Any other use except for intended use ofthis tool is forbidden. )astener driving toolswith continual contact actuation or contactactuation shall only be used for productionapplications.2. Keep ¿ngers aZay from trigger Zhen notoperating this tool and when moving from oneoperating position to another.3. Multiple hazards. Read and understand thesafety instructions before connecting, dis-connecting, loading, operating, maintaining,changing accessories on, or Zorking nearthe tool. Failure to do so can result in seriousbodily injury.4. Keep all body parts such as hands and legsetc. aZay from ¿ring direction and ensurefastener cannot penetrate workpiece into partsof the body.5. When using the tool, be aZare that the fastenercould deÀect and cause injury.6. Hold the tool Zith a ¿rm grasp and be preparedto manage recoil.7. Only technically skilled operators should usethe fastener driving tool.8. Do not modify the fastener driving tool.Modi¿cations may reduce the effectiveness ofsafety measures and increase the risks to theoperator andor bystander.9. Do not discard the instruction manual.10. Do not use a tool if the tool has been damaged.11. Be careful Zhen handling fasteners, especiallyZhen loading and unloading, as the fastenershave sharp points Zhich could cause injury.12. AlZays check the tool before use for broken,misconnected or worn parts.13. Do not overreach. Only use in a safe workingplace. Keep proper footing and balance at alltimes.14. Keep bystanders aZay Zhen Zorking in an areaZhere there is a likelihood of through traf¿c ofpeople) . Clearly mark off your operating area.15. Never point the tool at yourself or others.16. Do not rest your ¿nger on the trigger Zhenpicking up the tool, moving betZeen operatingareas and positions or Zalking, as resting¿nger on trigger can lead to inadvertent opera-tion. )or tools Zith selective actuation, alZayscheck the tool before use to ascertain thecorrect mode is selected.17. Only wear gloves that provide adequate feel andsafe control of triggers and any adjusting devices.18. When resting the tool, lay it doZn on the Àat sur-face. If you use the hook eTuipped Zith the tool,hook the tool securely on the stable surface.19. Do not operate Zhen under the inÀuence ofalcohol, drugs or the like.Projectile hazards1. The fastener driving tool shall be disconnectedZhen unloading fasteners, making adjust-ments, clearing jams or changing accessories.2. During operation be careful that fastenerspenetrate material correctly and cannot bedeÀectedmis¿red toZards operator andor anybystanders.3. During operation, debris from Zorkpiece andfasteningcollation system may be discharged.4. Always wear protective goggles to protectyour eyes from injury Zhen using poZer tools.The goggles must comply with ANSI Z87.1 inthe USA, EN in Europe, or ASNZS 33in Australia/New Zealand. In Australia/NewZealand, it is legally reTuired to Zear a faceshield to protect your face, too. |
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