11 ENGLISHOPERATIONCAUTION: Make sure all safety systems are inZorking order before operation.Selecting the operation modeCAUTION: Always make sure that the actua-tion mode selector is properly set to the positionfor the desired stapling mode before stapling.Ź Fig.17: 1. A c tuation mod e selec torSingle sequential actuation mode:You c an d riv e one staple by one seq uential operation.Selec t th is mod e w h en d riv ing a staple c aref ully andac c urately .To c h oose th is mod e, set th e ac tuation mod e selec tor toth e position.Contact actuation mode:You c an d riv e staples repetitiv ely by plac ing th e c ontac telement w ith th e trigger h eld .To c h oose th is mod e, set th e ac tuation mod e selec tor toth e position.Checking proper action beforeoperationBef ore operation, alw ay s c h ec k f ollow ing points.—Make sure th at th e tool d oes not operate only byconnec ting th e air h ose.—Make sure th at th e tool d oes not operate only bypulling th e trigger.—Make sure th at th e tool d oes not operate only byplac ing th e c ontac t element against th e w orkpiec ewith out pulling th e trigger.—In single seq uential ac tuation mod e, make sureth at th e tool d oes not operate w h en pulling th etrigger first and then placing the contact elementagainst th e w orkpiec e.Single sequential actuationPlac e th e c ontac t element against th e w orkpiec e andpull th e trigger f ully .After stapling, release th e c ontac t element, and th enrelease th e trigger.Ź Fig.18CAUTION: Do not place the contact elementagainst the Zorkpiece Zith excessive force. Also,pull the trigger fully and hold it on for 1-2 secondsafter stapling.Ev en in th e “ S ingle seq uential ac tuation” mod e, h alf -pulled trigger c auses an unex pec ted stapling, w h enth e c ontac t element re-c ontac ts th e w orkpiec e.Contact actuationPull the trigger first and then place the contact elementagainst th e w orkpiec e.Ź Fig.19Empty indicatorWhen th e remaining number of staples in th e magaz inebec omes low , th e empty ind ic ator turns to red . R eloadth e staples w h en th e empty ind ic ator bec omes red .Ź Fig.20: 1. Empty ind ic atorRemoving jammed staplesCAUTION: Always return the trigger anddisconnect the hose before removing jammedstaples.CAUTION: Do not use deformed staples orstrip of staples. F ailure to d o so c auses poor staplefeed ing.NOTE: A lw ay s h old th e rear of th e slid ing d oor w h enyou press th e lev er. T h e slid ing d oor opens sud d enlywith th e lev er pressed w h en staples are stored in th emagaz ine.Follow th e proc ed ure of “ R emov ing staples” to remov eth e strip of staples, and remov e j ammed staples f romth e staple rail.MAINTENANCECAUTION: Before attempting to performinspection or maintenance, alZays release thetrigger and disconnect the air hose from the tool.NOTICE: Never use gasoline, benzine, thinner,alcohol or the like. Discoloration, deformation orcracks may result.StaplesHand le staple strips and th eir box c aref ully . I f th e staplestrips h av e been h and led rough ly , th ey may be out ofsh ape, c ausing poor staple f eed .Avoid storing staples in a v ery h umid or h ot plac e orplac e ex posed to d irec t sunligh t.