Inventory checklistMake sure that the shipping carton contains the following items:v One switch modulev One filler modulev One Documentation CD which includes the BladeCenter Virtual Fabric 10Gb SwitchModule Installation Guide (this document)v One Environmental Notices CDv One Warranty documentv One Important Notices documentIf any of these items are missing or damaged, contact your authorized reseller forreplacement.Notices and statements in this documentThe caution and danger statements in this document are also in the multilingualSystems Safety Notices document, which is on the BladeCenter Documentation CD forthe BladeCenter unit. Each statement is numbered for reference to thecorresponding statement in your language in the Systems Safety Notices document.The following notices and statements are used in this document:v Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.v Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help youavoid inconvenient or problem situations.v Attention: These notices indicate potential damage to programs, devices, or data.An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in whichdamage could occur.v Caution: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially hazardousto you. A caution statement is placed just before the description of a potentiallyhazardous procedure step or situation.v Danger: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially lethal orextremely hazardous to you. A danger statement is placed just before thedescription of a potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedure step orsituation.4 BladeCenter Virtual Fabric 10Gb Switch Module: Installation Guide