Notes:1. You can also download the latest version of the Lenovo System Toolbox andPC-Doctor for DOS diagnostic programs from: “Lenovo System Toolbox” and “PC-Doctor for DOS” on page 58 fordetailed information.2. If you are unable to isolate and repair the problem yourself after you run theLenovo System Toolbox and PC-Doctor for Windows PE, save and print the logfiles created by both diagnostic programs. You will need the log files when youspeak to a Lenovo technical support representative.Lenovo System ToolboxThe Lenovo System Toolbox is a diagnostic program that works through theWindows operating system and enables you to view symptoms and solutions forcomputer problems, access the Lenovo troubleshooting center, update systemdrivers, and review system information.To run the Lenovo System Toolbox, click Start → All Programs → Lenovo Services →Lenovo System Toolbox. Follow the instructions on the screen. For additionalinformation about running the diagnostic program, refer to the Lenovo SystemToolbox help system.If you still suspect a problem after the Lenovo System Toolbox runs successfully,run the PC-Doctor for Windows PE to help you diagnose the computer problem.The Lenovo System Toolbox also has problem determination aids that determinesoftware and usage problems.PC-Doctor for Windows PEThe PC-Doctor for Windows PE diagnostic program is part of the Rescue andRecovery workspace on each Lenovo computer. Use PC-Doctor for Windows PE ifyou are unable to start the Windows operating system or if the Lenovo SystemToolbox has not been successful in isolating a possible problem.Running diagnostics from the Rescue and Recovery workspaceYou can run the PC-Doctor for Windows PE diagnostic program from the Rescueand Recovery workspace. To run diagnostics from the Rescue and Recoveryworkspace, use the following procedure:1. Shut down the operating system and turn off the computer.2. Repeatedly press and release the F11 key when you turn on the computer.3. When you hear beeps or see a logo screen, stop pressing the F11 key. TheRescue and Recovery workspace opens.4. From the Rescue and Recovery workspace, select Launch Advanced Rescueand Recovery → Diagnose hardware.5. The diagnostic program opens automatically. Select the diagnostic test youwant to run. Press the F1 key for additional help.6. Follow the instructions on the screen.Note: Rescue media includes PC-Doctor for Windows PE. For more informationabout rescue media, see “Creating and using rescue media” on page 43.Chapter 6. Troubleshooting and diagnostics 57