5 6213 4LAN21 3 4 65 7 8 109 1112Phase 1outlet group 1Phase 2outlet group 2Phase 3outlet group 3The PDU models with 9 C19 outlets on the front have phase one connected to the first three (3) outlets, outletgroup one. Phase 2 is connected to the next three (3) outlets, outlet group two. Phase 3 is connected to thelast 3 outlets, outlet group three (see the following illustration).LAN21 3 4 65 7 8 9Phase 1outlet group 1Phase 2outlet group 2Phase 3outlet group 3Some models have 3 outlets on the rear of the PDU. These outlets are not monitored or switched. Eachoutlet is connected to a different phase.To balance loads on the PDU, do not connect loads so that there is more load on one group of outlets thanothers. For example, if there are three loads on a 9-outlet PDU, do not use outlets 1, 2, or 3; use outlets 1, 4,and 7.If there are three loads on a 12-outlet PDU, use outlets 1, 5, and 9. If there are more then 3 loads, distributethem across the three output groups.8 1U C19 and C13 Switched and Monitored PDUs Installation and Maintenance Guide