Kinesia HomeView User’s Guide – 01/03/20139Figure 2. Kinesia HomeView FingerSensor. The patient slides the tip oftheir index finger into the sleeve withthe sensor box oriented up.Tablet PCThe touch screen Tablet PC is the central component of the Kinesia HomeView system. A color-coded system (Table 1) highlights where the AC power cable should be connected to the TabletPC, as well as the location of the power button and camera. Patient data is stored on the TabletPC while a study is in progress when mobile broadband is not available, or transferred to the webapplication in real time when mobile broadband is available. The power cord must remainconnected to the Tablet PC at all times to ensure the system operates properly.Table 1: Kinesia HomeView Color Code SystemComponent of HomeView System Color CodePower button YellowAC power port GreenCamera WhiteCharging PadThe Charging Pad allows easy removal and return of the Finger Sensor during motor symptomassessments. It also serves as the charging platform for the Finger Sensor when motor tests arenot being performed.Finger SensorThe Finger Sensor (Figure 2) is worn on the patient’s index finger while performing video-guidedmotor tasks. During assessments, the patient should wear the Finger Sensor on the index fingerwith the blue box facing up. The sensor measures three-dimensional motion using accelerometersand gyroscopes. Accelerometers measure linear acceleration while gyroscopes measure angularvelocity. Motion sensor data are sampled at 64 Hz.