Kinesia HomeView User’s Guide – 01/03/201330Chapter 8: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Q. I am unable to login and access the patient list on the patient unit using the AdministrationOptions Button. I get a login failed error message.A. Ensure the mobile broadband is enabled using Toggle Remote Upload and verifying 3Gdoes not have a red line through it on the upper right side of the patient station. If 3G isenabled and you are still unable to login, contact a GLNT administrator at 1.855.GLNeuro(1.855.456.3876).Q. I set times for the study definition but the system doesn’t alarm at those times and saysthere are no more tests on for the patient to take.A. Ensure you selected specific dates for your study definition. If you did not specify datesand/or specified “n/a” for the duration, the study definition will not alarm at your specifiedtimes.Q. When I try to create a study for a patient the configuration options such as medications andtimes are pre-configured.A. There is likely a study template assigned to your institution. You can contact your institutionadministrator to change the template. Furthermore, you are able to adjust all of the templateselections on a per patient basis as you create study definitions.Q. When I attempt to create a new study definition for a patient I am automatically redirected toan old study definition I had begun setting up but not yet finished.A. The Kinesia HomeView web application is designed to allow only one study in the ‘SetupStudy’ status for a patient at a time. You are redirected to an old study that had not beenfinished as a result of this functionality.Q. I cannot go back to edit the previous selections (dates, times, motor tasks, etc.) when I haveprogressed beyond them when setting up a study to make changes.A. Finish setting up the remaining options. When you arrive at the Summary screen you can goback and update the other tabs, but not until you have reached the Summary screen.Q. Toggle Remote Upload is on and the SIM card is plugged into the Tablet PC but it is notconnecting to the network.A. Turn the Tablet PC off and on again. If the system is still not connected (as indicated by ared line through the 3G on the upper right side of the patient software), double check theSIM card is plugged in and that the SIM PIN and PUK match the card contained in thesystem. If these values are correct, change the location of the tablet to obtain a bettersignal. If the problem persists, contact your mobile broadband carrier.Q. I do not know what my password is to enter the Administration Options screen via theAdministration Options Button.A. All users can access the Administration Options screen by entering the password glnthv.Please do not share this password with your patients.