Kinesia HomeView User’s Guide – 01/03/201327Figure 10. To transfer patient data from the Tablet PC for study review, connect theHOMEVIEW USB flash drive, press ‘Retrieve Study Data’, and then press ‘Proceed’.‘Study Transfer Successful’ will appear in red at the bottom of the ‘AdministrationOptions’ screen if data download was successful.Uploading Patient Data to Web ApplicationIn order to view a study report, the patient data stored on the Tablet PC needs to be transferred tothe Kinesia HomeView web application. This must be done before transferring a new studydefinition to the patient station and has a different process to follow depending on your mode ofdata transfer:USB Flash Drive Programming and Data Transfer1. Turn on the patient station by pressing down on the power button on top of the Tablet PC.2. After the home screen (Figure 3) appears, insert the HOMEVIEW USB flash drive in theTablet PC.3. Once the ‘Administrative Options’ screen appears, click the ‘Retrieve Study Data’ button.4. Press ‘Proceed’ to remove the data from the tablet• If data transfer is successful, ‘Study Transfer Successful’ will appear in red at the bottomof the screen (Figure 10).• If this message does not appear, remove the USB flash drive, re-insert it, and try again.If the transfer continues to fail, please contact Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies customersupport5. Remove the HOMEVIEW USB flash drive from the Tablet PC and turn it off by pressingdown on the power button.6. Insert the HOMEVIEW USB flash drive into a computer connected to the internet and log into the Kinesia HomeView web application.7. Click on the ‘Upload’ tab on the top of the screen8. Press ‘Select File’ and navigate to the ‘HOMEVIEW’ drive of the USB flash drive on thecomputer.9. Select the patient data file with the .khv file extension and select ‘Open’. Once the file hasbeen selected it will appear in the text box next to the ‘Select File’ button. Click ‘Upload’next to ‘Select File’ to initialize the file transfer.10. ‘Upload Complete’ will appear when the transfer is done.• The patient data will be reviewed by a Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies administrator foraccuracy.