KILOTECH 2024. TroubleshootingSYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYAd Load cell wires to indicator areincorrectly connected, or shorted, oropened; or ADC, load cell are damagedMake sure wires are ok and correctlyconnected. Replace load cell or ADCchip, Service required.Ad0 Weight reading exceeds Power On Zerolimit.Make sure scale platform is empty.Perform zero calibration.0 Weight reading below Power On Zerolimit.Install platform on scale. Performzero calibration.Weight reading exceeds Overload limit,or The weight value cannot be displayedin the current unit of measure because itexceeds 6 digits..Reduce load on scale until weightvalue can be displayed. Use a moreappropriate unit of measure. Re-setsome parameters of CONFIG orUAER.Weight reading below Under load limit. Install platform on scale.Perform zero calibrationEEP.E1 CONFIG or CAL parameters are notcorrectly setRe-set items in CONFIG, docalibrationEEP.E2 USER parameter is not correctly set Re-set items in USERCAP.ER Capacity parameters are not correctSet PRIM.N/PRIM.d/SECND.n tocorrect number, make sure capacitynot more than 6 digitCAL.ErCalibration error, maybe input data orloaded weight is too small, too big,unstable, un-linearInput correct data, load correctweight onto platform, ServicerequiredPWT.ERPiece weight is error, it’s too small(<0.5d), The weight on the platform istoo small to define a valid referenceweight.Use a greater weight for the sample.PCT.ERUnit-Percentage -Weight is error, it’s toosmall (the weight of 1%, 0.1%, or0.01%-determined byCONFIG-FUNC-PERCNT is less than0.5d)Use a greater weight for the sample.