184Option Esc External Source ControlUsing the M1970 Series Mixers with X-Series Signal Analyzers (Option EXM)Using the M1970 Series Mixers with X-Series Signal Analyzers (OptionEXM)Operating precautionsWARNING Do not exceed the maximum ratings listed below or permanent damage to themixer will result.RF input powerUse the following parameters:CW No greater than 20 dBmPeak Pulse No greater than 24 dBm at <1 μsecSee the gain compression values for each model mixer. Use an appropriatewaveguide attenuator if the output power of the unit under test exceeds the gaincompression value.LO input powerLO input power is set by the internal signal analyzer LO alignment. However, theLO input must not exceed 20 dBm.Always use a high quality low loss SMA cable since this will allow the longest cablelength, and prevent damage to the mixer SMA female connector.Electrostatic dischargeWhen installing the mixer, always connect the LO/IF SMA cable to the signalanalyzer BEFORE connecting to the mixer. This will minimize the danger of anelectrostatic discharge damaging the mixer diodes.Connect only one mixer at a timeThe automatic LO adjustment and mixer ID process assumes only one mixer isconnected to the analyzer's USB and SMA EXT MIXER connections.Waveguide protection foamDo not remove, displace or damage the nonconductive foam installed in the open endof the waveguide. This foam keeps small objects from entering the waveguide.Provide mechanical support for the mixerAssure the mixer body is properly supported so it does not present any stress on thewaveguide connection. Instrument option 301 provides a jackstand that allows astable support and height adjustment.