6 Keysight M9506A AXIe Chassis Startup GuideIntroductionM9506A AXIe Chassis System Block DiagramsThe “M9506A System Block Diagram (Graphic)” on page 8 shows a blockdiagram of the M9506A 5-slot AXIe chassis system, showing the chassis and thehost PC. The key points regarding this diagram are:- The diagram shows the host PC interfaces to the chassis: (1) The PCIe Cableports, (2) Thunderbolt 3 interface, and (3) the LAN interface. The PCIe Cableports and Thunderbolt signals route through the ESM PCIe Switch to the slotx16 PCIe links. The LAN interface signals are routed through the LAN Switchto the slot Gb Ethernet links. The PCIe and Thunderbolt interface signals canalso be routed to the slot Gb signals (through the network interface controllerand the LAN Switch). However, the LAN interface signals cannot be routed tothe slot x16 PCIe links.- The network interface controller (NIC) is an Intel I210 NIC. The PCIe Switchand the NIC provide an x1 path from the chassis PCIe interface to the LANSwitch and, ultimately, the Shelf Manager (described further below).- Install either the M9048B or the M9049A PCIe Desktop Adapter in the host PCto provide a PCIe interface. The PCIe Desktop Adapter is used in desktop orrack-mount computers. A PCIe cable (Y1202A, 2.0 m cable) connects theadapter to the AXIe chassis. For Thunderbolt access, a standard Thunderboltcable connects the ESM to the host PC. For LAN access, a standard Ethernetcable connects the ESM to the host PC.- The chassis contains a processor called the Shelf Manager that monitors thestatus of the chassis sensors and the module sensors over the IntelligentPlatform Management Bus (IPMB). The Shelf Manager also controls the fanspeeds and provides the chassis Web Interface. The Web Interface allows youto use your browser to monitor the status of the chassis and configure certainaspects of chassis operation, such as the trigger subsystem.- The chassis supports a Soft Front Panel (SFP). The SFP runs on the host PCand provide the same monitor and control functionality as the Web Interface.- Keysight provides a host PC driver for the chassis. This driver providesprogrammable control and monitoring of the chassis trigger bus and sensors.For further information on these drivers, please see the M9506A User’s Guide.- The chassis contains customer upgradeable firmware. To check if a laterversion is available, go to the website below for your product, then click thetabs/links indicated: www.keysight.com/find/M9506Athen select Technical Support > Drivers & Software > Firmware UpdateIf you’re using the PCIe interface to connect to the chassis, the Intel I210 NICwill appear to Windows as a locally-installed device. Windows 7 andWindows 10 provide the necessary Intel NIC driver.