10 SENSe Subsystem454 N1911A/1912A P-Series Power Meters Programming GuideSENSe[1]|2:TRACe:AUToscaleThis command will automatically scale the trace capture to between 50 % to 100% of the Y scale (power axis) and between 20 % to 50 % of the X scale (time axis)with the triggering edge aligned to the center of the trace.SyntaxNOTE This feature will only work with modulated signal exceeding –15 dBm inamplitude. Most of the pulse and amplitude modulated signals are autoscalable.Upon successful autoscaling, trigger parameters such as trigger source, triggermode, trigger level, trigger delay and trigger holdoff as well as default gate 1parameters will be overwritten by this function. If autoscaling is performed on aslave cross-triggered channel, the targeted channel will be automaticallychanged to master. It will also turn on the continuous triggering mode uponcompletion. Perpetual gating function will also be disabled after autoscaling.NOTE This command is only applicable when N192x or E932x sensor is present andtrigger acquisition mode is selected.SENS 12:TRAC AUT