2MEASurement Commands156N1911A/1912A P-Series Power Meters Programming GuideREAD[1]|2|3|4[:SCALar][:POWer:AC]:RATio?[[,[,This command sets the specified window’s measurement function to ratio modewith relative mode off, aborts then initiates both Channel A and B, calculates theratio measurement result and places the result on the bus. The result is a ratiobased measurement and is expressed in the units defined byUNIT[1]|2|3|4:POWer:RATio.SyntaxParametersRefer to “Optional Parameters” on page 112 for additional details on theparameters in this command.NOTEINITiate:CONTinuousmust be set to OFF on both channels, otherwise error–213, “INIT ignored” occurs. IfTRIGger:SOURceis set toBUSon either channel,error –214, “Trigger deadlock” occurs.:POW:AC?:SCAL:RATSpaceexpected_valueDEFresolution,DEFsource list,READ1234ItemDescription/Defaul tRange of Valuesexpected_value(for the expected powerlevel)The power meter ignores the numeric value entered in thisparameter. Any value entered is treated likeDEF.sensor dependentDEF[a]resolutionA numeric value for the resolution. If it is unspecified the currentresolution setting is used. If a value is entered it should correspondto the current resolution setting otherwise an error occurs.1 to 4[b]1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001DEF[a]