Keysight 85024A User’s and Service Guide 77IndexNumerics1 dB compression, 4310 to 1 divider, 25Aaccessories, 21adapter, probe, 24anti-static precautions, 17average noise level, 46Ccable/probe wandreplacement, 70calibration, response, 40characteristics10 to 1 divider, 25probe adapter, 24cleaning10 to 1 divider, 25connectors, 74probe adapter, 24connectorcleaning, 74inspection, 74mating, 30type-N replacement, 69visual examination, 74Ddescription10 to 1 divider, 25average noise level, 46gain at 500 MHz/frequency re-sponse flatness, 41gain compression, 43median gain, 41probe adapter, 24description, product, 18devices, grounding, 33divider, 10 to 1, 25Eequipment recommendedtest, 38equipment required fortroubleshooting, 56equivalent power, 45external power supply, 29Ffailureelectrical, 60mechanical, 60protective sleeve, 60frequency response relative to 500MHz, 41Ggain at 500 MHz, 41gain compression, 43general information, 15grounding devices, 33Iinitial inspection, 28input voltage for 1 dBcompression, 43inspection10 to 1 divider, 25initial, 28probe adapter, 24installation, 27Mmating connectors, 30maximum rated inputvoltage, 16measurement precautions, 16measurements, 39mechanical failure of the protec-tive sleeve, 60median gain, 41Nnetwork analyzeroperation, 39operator’s check, 34noise level, average, 46Ooperating characteristics10 to 1 divider, 25probe adapter, 24operating instructionsdischarging the probe, 33extending the protectivesleeve, 33grounding the probe, 33retracting the protectivesleeve, 33operating precautions, 29operation, network analyzer, 31operator’s check, 34network analyzer, 34spectrum analyzer, 35Ppartsidentification, 53miscellaneous, 51replaceable, 49, 53performance testsaverage noise level, 46gain at 500 MHz/frequency re-sponse flatness, 41input voltage for 1 dBcompression, 43median gain, 41power supplycheck, 60external, 29requirements, 29precautions