3 Installation28 Keysight 85024A User’s and Service GuideInitial InspectionIf the shipping container or cushioning material is damaged, keep it until thecontents of the shipment are checked for completeness, and the product ischecked both mechanically and electrically. Procedures for checking the electricalperformance are given in Chapter 5, "Performance Tests".Notify the nearest Keysight Technologies office if the product does not passperformance tests, the shipping contents are incomplete, or if there is mechanicaldamage or defect. Notify the carrier if the shipping container is damaged or if thecushioning material shows signs of stress. Keep all shipping materials for thecarrier’s inspection. Keysight Technologies will arrange for repair or replacementwithout waiting for a claim settlement.CertificationKeysight Technologies certifies that this product met its published specificationsat the time of shipment from the factory. Keysight further certifies that itscalibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST, formerly NBC), to the extent allowed by theinstitute’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other InternationalStandards Organization members.