Donotstorejarsorcansabovethecooktop.Droppingaheavyorhardobjectontothecooktopcouldcrackthecooktop.Donotleaveahotlidonthecooktop.Asthecooktopcools,aircanbecometrappedbetweenthelidandthecooktop,andtheceramicglasscouldbreakwhenthelidisremoved.Forfoodscontainingsugarinanyform,cleanupallspillsandsoilsassoonaspossible.Allowthecooktoptocooldownslightly.Then,whilewearingovenmitts,removethespillswhilethesurfaceisstillwarm.Ifsugaryspillsareallowedtocooldown,theycanadheretothecooktopandcancausepittingandpermanentmarks.Donotslidecookwareorbakewareacrossthecooktop.Aluminumorcopperbottomsandroughfinishesoncookwareorbakewarecouldleavescratchesormarksonthecooktop.Donotcookpopcorninprepackagedaluminumcontainersonthecooktop.Theycouldleavealuminummarksthatcannotberemovedcompletely.Donotallowobjectsthatcouldmelt,suchasplasticoraluminumfoil,totouchanypartoftheentirecooktop.Donotusethecooktopasacuttingboard.Usecookwareaboutthesamesizeasthesurfacecookingarea.Cookwareshouldnotextendmorethan1"(2.5cm)outsidethearea./ \I \\ I\ /A. Surface cooking areaB. Cookware/cannerC. 1" (2.5 cm) Maximum overhangUse flat-bottomed cookware for best heat conduction andenergy efficiency. Cookware with rounded, warped, ribbed ordented bottoms could cause uneven heating and poorcooking results.Determine flatness by placing the straight edge of a ruleracross the bottom of the cookware. While you rotate the ruler,no space or light should be visible between it and thecookware.Cookware designed with slightly indented bottoms or smallexpansion channels can be used.Make sure the bottoms of pots and pans are clean and drybefore using them. Residue and water can leave depositswhen heated.• Do not cook foods directly on the cooktop.Hot Surface Indicator Light (under ceramic glass)The hot surface indicator light will glow as long as any surfacecooking area is too hot to touch, even after the surface cookingarea(s) is turned off.\A. Single size (6" [15.24 cm])B. Dual size (9" [22.86 em])The Dual Cooking Zone offers flexibility depending on the size ofthe cookware. Single size can be used in the same way as aregular element. The dual size combines both the single andouter element and is recommended for larger size cookware.LO124.= HI HIA. DualB. SingleTo Use DUAL:1. Push in and turn the control knob counterclockwise to theDUAL zone anywhere between HI and LO.2. Push in and turn knob to vertical (off) when finished.To Use SINGLE:1. Push in and turn the control knob clockwise from to theSINGLE zone anywhere between HI and LO.2. Push in and turn knob to vertical (off) when finished.Food Poisoning HazardDo not let food sit for more than one hour beforeor after cooking.Doing so can result in food poisoning orsickness.The STEADYTEMP warming zone is used to keep cooked foodswarm, and may be used whether the other surface cooking zonesare in use or not. It is not recommended for heating cold foods.The warming zone will not glow red like the cooking zones, butthe indicator light will glow on the cooktop.