78 79Glossary of TermsAlloy A substance which is composedof two or more metals (an alloy may alsoinclude non-metals).Camlock Lever which releases or locksdetector’s assembly components. TheExplorer SE’s upper and lower shafts areheld together by the shaft camlock. Thisshaft assembly is fixed to the controlbox by the control box camlock.Coil The coil is the circular plate sweptacross the ground surface duringdetecting. It transmits electromagneticsignals into the ground and receives theresponse.Conductivity A measure of the ability ofa target to allow eddy currents inducedby the transmitter.Control Box Encloses the electroniccomponents necessary to generate andinterpret signals transmitted from thesearch coil and provide user access tofunctions via the control panel.Control Panel This panel, which isthe front of the control box, housesthe display screen and provides press-button access to all of the detector’soperating functions.Digital One of Explorer SE’s displays.Digital rates an object’s conductivityand ferrous content as a figure between0 and 31.Discrimination The ability of a metaldetector to identify the user’s desiredtarget and eliminate signals fromundesirable objects. The Explorer SE canbe programmed to discriminate againstunwanted targets in either Iron Mask orDiscrim.Discrimination Pattern A two-dimensional pattern made up of shadedand clear regions of the Smartfindscreen. Characteristics of a target areused to determine its position on a two-dimensional display. A DiscriminationPattern can be modified by the user toaccept or reject certain targets.Edit allows the user to customize anexisting Discrimination Pattern to matchpreferred target characteristics.Ferrous Composed of or containingiron. A ferrous object is one that ispredominantly or completely iron.Ferrous objects (e.g. nails) are usuallynot desired by the detectorist.Ferrous Content While metals arecommonly divided between ferrous andnon-ferrous metals, this usually refers tothem being magnetic or non-magnetic.However most metals do have someferrous content, even when classed as‘non-ferrous’.Except for the very purest of metals, theExplorer SE is able to test the ferrouscontent of a metal target and use this init’s target identification.Full Band Spectrum (FBS)Simultaneous frequency transmissionranging from 1.5 kHz to 100 kHz. Thisrange in frequencies means that thesignals received from the detectorcoil are analyzed from a wide range ofresponses.Full Screen Target details shown on thefull screen with display border and theother screen elements removed. An iconat the center right of screen switches tofull screen display.Ground Compensation The abilityof the detector to compensate for theeffects of ground mineralization.Handle Assembly Part of the detectormade up of the control box, handle andarmrest.Iron Mask The Iron Mask functionrejects objects with ferrous properties.This level of ferrous rejection isrepresented with a dark ‘curtain’ whichmoves across the horizontal dimensionof the Smartfind screen as the Iron Maskis adjusted.Learn allows the user to accept or rejectcertain targets to create a personalizedDiscrimination Pattern.Low-ferrous containing little iron. Low-ferrous objects or non-magnetic metals(such as silver or copper coins, goldjewelry, etc).Mineralized GroundContaining certain minerals whichcan cause false signals to be given.Mineralized ground is handledautomatically by the Explorer SE’sground compensation.Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) NickelMetal Hydride batteries are the modernequivalent of older NiCad (NickelCadmium) batteries. NiMH batterieshave a longer life-span and are notaffected by memory to the samedegree.