80 81Pinpoint Function allowing an object tobe precisely located. Pinpoint overridesthe automatic motion detection anddiscrimination settings of the ExplorerSE.Recovery allows the user to modifythe way the discrimination processworks and affects the audio and displayresponses to target characteristics.Response The signal or audibleindication of a target. Also a menuoption affecting the audio response ofthe detector.Sensitivity The detector’s level ofresponse to a target in the presence ofground noise and/or electromagneticdisturbance.Shaft Assembly An adjustableassembly made up of the upper andlower shaft connected by camlocks. Theshaft assembly connects the coil to thehandle assembly.Shift Buttons The three buttons ateither side of the display screen. Theyallow selection of adjacent menu items,movement of screen slider controls andadjustment of settings.Shortcut Buttons on the control paneloffer quick access to the functions andsettings most likely to be used duringdetector operation. NOISE CANCEL,IRON MASK, PINPOINT and DETECTare all shortcut buttons.Slider Control Visual representationof setting adjustments for a particularfunction (e.g. screen contrast). Settingsare adjusted with shift buttons at eitherside of the display screen.Smartfind One of the Explorer SE’sdisplays. Smartfind visually representstarget details using two-dimensionaldiscrimination.Threshold (hum) The audible levelof sound emitted when no targetis detected is the Threshold. ThisThreshold hum is the background soundmade as the Explorer SE operates. Theoptimum Threshold volume is a faint,but audible hum.Glossary of Terms (Continued)