76 77The Explorer SE is a high-qualityelectronic instrument, finely engineeredand packaged in a durable housing.Taking proper care of the detector ismostly common-sense.Do not leave the battery pack in theExplorer SE handle when the detector isnot in use for extended periods of time.Damage caused by leaking batteriescould be severe and would void thewarranty through user negligence.If temperatures are very high, do notleave the detector in excessive heat forlonger than necessary. Covering it whennot in use will help protect it. Try toavoid leaving it in a closed car trunk orin a car sitting in sunlight. A full-lengthdetector carry bag is available to protectthe detector when in transit.The control box has been designedto resist moisture. However, Minelabadvises protecting the control box inextreme conditions. Obviously thecontrol box should not be droppedinto water. A control box cover will giveprotection against dust, dirt and rain.Never allow the detector to comeinto contact with gasoline or otherpetroleum-based liquids.Detector Care and SafetyKeep the detector clean and dry andavoid getting sand and grit into theshafts or fastenings (e.g. yoke bolt andcamlocks). Do not use solvents to cleanthe detector. Use a damp cloth with mildsoap detergent.Ensure the coil cable is in goodcondition and not subject to unduestress.The Explorer SE coil is only compatiblewith FBS technology detectors such asprevious Explorers and the Quattro MP.Flat or faulty batteries cause manydetector problems. Ensure that onlyquality alkaline batteries are used,and that they are replaced when youhear the warning signal through theheadphones or speaker.Do not dispose of battery pack infire (contact local authorities fordisposal/recycling). Do not attempt todisassemble or short circuit the batterypack.Take precautions when transportingor storing the detector. Although thedetector is constructed from the highestquality materials and has undergonerigorous durability tests, the displayscreen could be prone to scratching orserious damage if not treated with duecare.TroubleshootingDetector does notstart at all> Check the state of the batteries and battery connections.> Ensure battery pack lid is completely closed.> If using alkaline batteries, check whether they have beenloaded in the right polarity.Detector starts, butswitches off by itself> Check the state of the batteries. If necessary, try starting withbatteries known to be in good condition.> Detector may be too hot. Allow detector to cool down in ashaded area.> Try starting the detector with search coil disconnected. If thedetector starts normally, check the state of the coil cable. Ifit is damaged, replace the coil. Otherwise return detector forrepairs.No sound > Unplug the headphones. If there is sound in the speaker butnot in the headphones, check the headphones and theirconnection.> Check the AUDIO > VOLUME > MAX LIMIT(a setting of 0 is silent).> If there is no sound in the speaker or the headphones butthe detector appears to work normally otherwise, return thedetector for repairs.Erratic noises > Press the NOISE CANCEL shortcut button or manuallyselect a quiet channel.> Reduce the Sensitivity.> Change the orientation of the coil to the vertical plane androtate to see if there is a position where the noise is loudest.If this is the case, it means that there is a source ofinterference nearby which must be avoided.> Check battery charge and battery connections.> Ensure coil connector is tightened firmly.> Check headphones and their connection.> Check for sand or grit between coil cover and coil.No target response > Ensure the detector is turned on.> Check headphones and their connection.> Check coil connection.> Check discrimination level. No signal will be given if target iswithin black area of screen.