Series 2600B System SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 7: TSP command reference2600BS-901-01 Rev. B / May 2013 7-249smuX.trigger.source.listY()This function configures an array-based source sweep.Type TSP-Link accessible Affected by Where saved Default valueFunction YesUsagesmuX.trigger.source.listY(sweepList)X Source-measure unit (SMU) channel (for example,smua.trigger.source.listv({5}) applies to SMU channel A)Y SMU source function (v = voltage, i = current)sweepList An array of source valuesDetailsThis function configures the source action to be a list sweep in a subsequent sweep. During the sweep, thesource will output the sequence of source values given in the sweepList array.If the subsequent sweep has more points than specified in sweepList, the source will restart at the beginning.This means that if the trigger count is greater than the number of points in a sweep as configured, the SMU willsatisfy the trigger count by restarting the sweep values from the beginning.If the subsequent sweep has fewer points than specified in sweepList, the extra values will be ignored. Thismeans that if the trigger count is less than the number of source values configured, the SMU will satisfy thetrigger count and ignore the remaining source values.In cases where the first sweep point is a nonzero value, it may be necessary to pre-charge the circuit so that thesweep will return a stable value for the first measured point without penalizing remaining points in the sweep.The SMU will only store the most recent configured source action. The last call tosmuX.trigger.source.linearY(), smuX.trigger.source.listY(), orsmuX.trigger.source.logY() is used for the source action.Source functions cannot be changed within a sweep.After configuring the sweep source values, enable the source action by settingsmuX.trigger.source.action.Examplesmua.trigger.source.listv({3, 1, 4, 5, 2}) Sweeps SMU channel A through3 V, 1 V, 4 V, 5 V, and 2 V.Also seesmuX.trigger.source.action (on page 7-246)smuX.trigger.source.linearY() (on page 7-248)smuX.trigger.source.logY() (on page 7-250)Sweep Operation (on page 3-20)