Series 2600B System SourceMeter® Instrument Reference Manual Section 3: Functions and features2600BS-901-01 Rev. B / May 2013 3-29Pulsing in the extended operating area (EOA)Pulse sweeps can be performed outside of the standard operating area by setting the appropriatecompliance level. Review the specifications for the Series 2600B to determine the maximum currentand voltage values available in pulse mode. When pulsing in the extended operating area (EOA), thesource-measure unit (SMU) will force the pulse to end early if the pulse width exceeds the maximumvalue. It will also delay the next source action as necessary to stay within the duty cycle capabilities ofthe SMU. The following figure and table illustrate the pulse regions for a SMU when pulsing in theEOA. Refer to the Series 2600B specifications on the Keithley Instruments website( for the latest pulse width and duty cycle information.Configuring and running sweepsUse the following topics to configure and run a sweep.Configuring compliance limits remotelyVoltage and current limits can be configured using the smuX.trigger.source.limitY attribute,which sets the sweep source limits. For example, to set the SMU A sweep limit to 10 V, execute:smua.trigger.source.limitv = 10Configuring end sweep actions remotelyUse the end sweep action to configure the source action at the end of the sweep. Thesource-measure unit (SMU) can be programmed to return to the idle source level or hold the lastvalue of the sweep. Configure the end sweep action by setting thesmuX.trigger.endsweep.action attribute. For example, execute the following command toconfigure SMU A to return the source to the idle source level at the end of a sweep:smua.trigger.endsweep.action = smua.SOURCE_IDLEConfiguring measurements during a sweepMeasurements can be performed during a sweep using the smuX.trigger.measure.Y()function. When sweeps are run, measurements are stored in the specified reading buffer for laterrecall. You can specify which reading buffer will store the readings. For example, to store the voltagereadings taken during the sweep:smua.trigger.measure.v(vbuffername)smua.trigger.measure.action = smua.ENABLETo recall sweep data:• Using the front panel: Press the RECALL key, and then select DATA or STATISTICS. ForDATA: select the buffer, and then choose reading numbers to display using the navigation wheelor cursor keys. For STATISTICS: select the buffer, and then choose MEAN, STD DEV,SAMPLE SIZE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, or PK-PK to display using the navigation wheel orcursor keys. Recalling readings from the reading buffer using the front panel can only be done ifone of the dedicated reading buffers is used to store the sweep data.• Remote: Use the printbuffer() function to request buffer readings.See Reading buffers (on page 3-6) for details about recalling data from the buffer.