22 Original User Manual | Xion Pedelec7.4.5.4 UnitsUnder the item “Units”, you can choose between kilome-tres (km/h) or miles (mph). Navigate to the desired itemusing the arrow buttons and confirm using the diamondbutton. Pressing the diamond button once more takes youback to the settings. InformationUnder the item “Information”, you can call up informationabout your software version, motor and battery. Navigateto the desired item using the arrow buttons and confirmusing the diamond button. Pressing the diamond buttononce more takes you back to the settings.8 The motor8.1 OperationIf you switch on the assistance and start pedalling, themotor starts as soon as the rear wheel is turning.The thrust delivered by the motor depends on three factors:• Your own pedalling effort.The motor adapts to the force you apply. If youpedal harder, e.g. uphill or when setting off, thepower sensor detects this and delivers more powerthan if you were only pedalling gently. The assis-tance increases proportionally if you pedal harder. TimeUnder the item “Time”, you can set the time. To do so,press the diamond button and set the desired time in theformat hh:mm using the arrow buttons. Pressing the dia-mond button takes you back to the settings. LanguageUnder the item “Language”, you can choose whether youwant to use the display in English, German, Dutch orFrench. Navigate to the desired item using the arrow but-tons and confirm using the diamond button. Pressing thediamond button once more takes you back to the settings.