– 10Carrying out the most common clean-ing tasks. The work pressure can be in-finitely regulated between "Min" and"Max". Release the lever on the triggergun. Turn the spray lance to the desiredposition.For particularly dirty items or areas.CautionCar tyres, paint or sensitive sur-faces such as wood should notbe cleaned with the dirt blaster,as there is a risk of damage.Not suitable for use with detergents.OptionalSuitable for use with detergents.Please use exclusively KÄRCHER de-tergents and care products to carry outthe respective cleaning task, as thesewere specifically developed for yourappliance. The use of other detergentsand care products may lead to prema-ture wear and can invalidate your war-ranty claims. Please obtain informationat your local dealer or request informa-tion directly from KÄRCHER.Illustration Pull detergent suction hose as faras is required out of the housing. Suspend end of detergent suctionhose in a container filled with deter-gent. Use spray lance with pressure reg-ulation (Vario Power). Turn the spray lance to "Mix" posi-tion.Note: This will mix the detergentwith the water stream. Spray the detergent sparingly onthe dry surface and allow it to react,but not to dry. Spray off loosened dirt with the highpressure jet.OptionalWith powerful foam for effortless clean-ing. Fill the detergent solution in the de-tergent tank of the foam nozzle (ob-serve dosage instructions on thepackaging of the detergent). Connect the detergent tank to thefoam nozzle. Connect the foam nozzle to the trig-ger gun.Note: This will mix the detergentwith the water stream. Release the lever on the triggergun. Lock the lever on the trigger gun. During longer breaks (more than 5minutes), also turn the appliance offusing the "0/OFF" switch.CautionOnly separate the high-pressurehose from the trigger gun or theappliance while there is no pres-sure in the system. After working with detergent, sus-pend detergent suction hose in acontainer filled with clear water,switch the appliance on for around1 minute once the spray lance hasbeen removed and rinse until waterruns clear.Spray lance with pressureregulationSpray lance with DirtblasterWashing brushWorking with detergentRecommended cleaning methodFoam nozzleInterrupting operationFinish operation21EN