– 9Observe regulations of water supplier.For connection values, see type plate/technical data. Use a fibre-reinforced water hose(not included) with a standard cou-pling. (Minimum diameter 1/2 inch(13 mm), minimum length 7.5 m). Push the water supply hose ontothe coupling unit, then connect it tothe water supply.This high-pressure cleaner is suited towork with the KÄRCHER suction hosewith backflow valve (Optional accesso-ry, order no. 4.440-238) to draw in sur-face water, e.g. from water butts orponds (see specifications for max. suc-tion height). Fill the KÄRCHER suction hosewith backflow valve with water,screw to water supply and hang intothe water butt. Remove air from appliance beforeoperation.Switch on the appliance withoutconnection the high-pressure hose(max. 2 minutes) and run it until thewater discharging from the high-pressure outlet is free of bubbles.Switch off appliance and reconnecthigh-pressure hose.CautionDry runs lasting longer than twominutes lead to damages to thehigh pressure pump. If the appli-ance does not build up pressurewithin two minutes, switch it offand proceed as instructed in theChapter "Troubleshooting".Illustration Insert the high pressure hose tightlyinto the quick coupling on the appli-ance, it will lock in audibly.Note: Make sure the connectionnipple is aligned correctly.Check the secure connection bypulling on the high pressure hose.Illustration Push the spray lance into the triggergun and fasten it by turning itthrough 90°. Completely open the water tap. Insert the mains plug into the sock-et. Turn on the appliance “I/ON”.CautionRisk of damage! The appliancemust only be operated layingdown (horizontal). DangerThe handgun is subjected to arecoil force when the water jet isdischarged. Make sure that youhave a firm footing and are alsoholding the handgun and spraylance firmly.CautionPrior to cleaning, make sure thatthe high pressure is placed safe-ly on level ground. Wear protec-tive goggles and protectiveclothing during the cleaning pro-cess.Illustration Unlock the lever on the trigger gun. Pull on the lever of the trigger gun;the device will switch on.Note: Release the lever of the trig-ger gun; the device will switch offagain. High pressure remains in thesystem.Water supply from mainsDrawing in water from openreservoirsStart upOperation20 EN