76 English 5.906-432.0 Rev. 00 (06/15)7.5 Set up the switching off processFunction AdjustmentsLED indicator Important30 °C(30/30 °C)ON30MINBehaviour of device after30 minutes of continuousoperation.The setting will be saved.The device switches off after 30 minutes ofcontinuous operation.The device does not switch off after 30 min-utes of continuous operation (factory set-ting).35 °C(34/32 °C)OFF30MINBehaviour of device after30 minutes of continuousstandby operation.The setting will be saved.The device switches off after 30 minutes inthe standby mode.The device does not switch off after 30 min-utes in the standby mode (factory setting).7.6 Set up the leakage behaviourFunction AdjustmentsLED indicator Important40 °C(37/34 °C)LECKAGEONOFFBehaviour of the deviceafter 10 short startups ofthe pump (run time of thepump under 2 seconds).The setting will be saved.Device switches off after 10 short startupsof the pump (factory setting).The device does not switch off after 10short startups of the pump.