English 5.906-432.0 Rev. 00 (06/15) 5Good service work requires extensive and practice-orient-ed training as well as well-structured training materials.Hence we offer regular basic and advanced training pro-grammes covering the entire product range for all serviceengineers.In addition to this, we also prepare service manuals for im-portant appliances - these can be initially used as instruc-tion guides and later on as reference guides.Apart from this, we also regular information about productenhancements and their servicing.If you should require supplements, have corrections orquestions regarding this document, please address theseciting the following subject to:international-service@de.kaercher.comThe responsible product specialist will take care of your is-sue.Copying and duplication of texts and diagrams as wellas third-party access to this information is permittedonly with the explicit permission of the company:Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KGPostfach 16071349 Winnenden (Germany)www.kaercher.com DANGERImmediate danger that can cause severe injury or evendeath. WARNINGPossible hazardous situation that could lead to severe in-jury or even death. CAUTIONPossible hazardous situation that could lead to mild injuryto persons or damage to property.Mobile hot water high-pressure cleaners in various perfor-mance classes for commercial use.– High performance burner with upright heating coal andcontinuous ignition– Built-in calcification protection– Steam operation (water temperatures up to 155 °C)with separate steam nozzle– Burner blower and fuel pump directly on the electricmotor– ECO - mode for 60°C (+/- 9 K)– 3,4 kW (HDS 7/12-4 M/MX)– 5,5 kW (HDS 8/18-4 M/MX)– 6,4 kW (HDS 9/18-4 M/MX)– 7,8 kW (HDS 10/20-4 M/MX)– 8,4 kW (HDS 12/18-4 S/SX)– 9,3 kW (HDS 13/20-4 S/SX)– 3 piston axial pump with stainless steel piston; somemodels feature ceramic coating– Cylinder head made of brass– High-pressure and suction valve faces made of stain-less steel– Working pressure: 3-20 MPa (30-200 bar)– Water quantity: 350-1,300 l/h– Manometer– Overflow valve with pressure and quantity regulation– Float tank– Safety valve– Water fine filter– Program selection switch– Flame sensor (option)– Water temperature regulation with temperature sensor– Exhaust temperature monitor– Water shortage safeguard– Dry-run protection for the pump– Level sensor for fuel, liquid softener and detergenttanks (optional in some cases)– Operating hour counter– Error memory– Component tests– Fault monitoring– Monitoring of rotation direction– 2 detergent tanks– Detergent inlet with fine filter– Dosing valve on the device with automatic clear rinsingin zero position.– Detergent with low pressure and high pressure2 PrefaceSubject: Fall 1057563 Safety instructions3.1 Hazard levels4 Technical Features4.1 General4.2 Connection performance of appliance4.3 Pump4.4 Electronics system4.5 Detergent