8 EnglishThe color-coded quick connect nozzlesprovide a wide array of spray widthsfrom 0∞ to 65∞ and are easily accessiblewhen placed in the convenient rubbernozzle grommets.For particularly stubborn accumulationof grime. Not recommended for softmaterials like sidings, decks, paintedsurfaces, cars.For dirt accumulation over a surface.For dirt accumulation over a large surface.For moderate dirt accumulation over alarge surface.For operating with detergent or cleaningwith negligible pressure. WARNINGHigh pressure in nozzle area.Risk of injury caused by improperlylocked nozzle.! Make sure you hear a ëclickí when in-serting the nozzle tip into the wand.! Pull the nozzle to make sure it isseated properly before operatingyour unit.(See ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS:Step 8 and Step 9) WARNINGTo avoid serious injury never pointspray nozzle at yourself, other per-sons or animals.USING THE ACCESSORIESQuick connect nozzles0∞ spray angle = Red nozzle15∞ spray angle = yellow nozzle25∞ spray angle = Green nozzle40∞ spray angle = White nozzle65∞ spray angle = Black detergentnozzle