English 7CAUTIONDo not run the engine with a high or lowoil level as this can cause engine dam-age.If you have further questions regardingthe engine, please refer to the enginemanual included with the unit." STEP 1:Check engine oil level. Oil levelshould be level with the bottom of theoil filler neck.Be sure the machine is level whenchecking the oil level. (Refer to theengineís operating manual for sea-sonal grades.).We recommend that the oil bechanged after the first 5 hours ofuse, then once every 50 hours." STEP 2:Fill gas tank with unleaded gasoline.Do not use leaded gasoline." STEP 3:Connect the high pressure hose tothe unitís high pressure outlet." STEP 4:Connect garden hose to unitís waterinlet." STEP 5:Connect garden hose to the cold wa-ter source and turn water on com-pletely.Do not use hot water." STEP 6:Unlock the trigger gun safety lock.Trigger the gun to eliminate trappedair, wait for a steady flow of water toemerge from the spray nozzle." STEP 7:Initial Start:Open fuel valve.Set choke lever to the CLOSED po-sition.Starting a Warm engine:If the engine has run out of fuel, setchoke lever to the CLOSED positionafter refueling. If the engine has notrun out of fuel, leave the choke leverin the OPEN position." STEP 8:Move the engine stop switch to theON position.For engine details see engine manual." STEP 9:Pull the starter handle.If the engine fails to start after3 pulls, squeeze the trigger gun torelease pressure, and repeat step.After the engine warms up enough torun smoothly, move choke rod toOFF position." STEP 10:Adjust working pressure and watervolume by turning (continuously vari-able) the pressure- and water vol-ume regulation.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS