BR 40012EnglishOperating in normal mode • Connect the unit plug to the extension cable and hook into thecable grip on the push handle. ¤• Insert the extension cable plug into the mains socket.• Turn knob to set brush contact pressureto desired amount. ‹Start at a low setting and increase pres-sure as required.• Press left or right operating lever. ¤ Brushes start to rotate.• Press knob on top of push handle to supply detergent solutionto brush rollers. Operate button according to amount of dirton floor. ¤• Pull handle towards yourself. Brushes are lowered and cleaningcan begin.• Make sure that brushes are kept wet.Important: In order to avoid damage to the floor surface, pleaseobserve the following:1. Do not allow brushes to continue rotating on one spot duringthe course of cleaning.2. Make sure that only suitable brush rollers are used(see Accessories).• If the floor is to be dry after the cleaning process, the vacuum mustalso be switched on.– A foot pedal is situated on the chassis ‹. When thepedal is pressed the suction beams are loweredand the unit vacuums on both sides. The dirtywater collects in the dirty water tank.Spray buttonLeft switchleverRight switch leverMains cablebrush contact pressurehighlowEmptying the dirty water tank • The dirty water collects in the lower tank.– First remove the upper tank and place to one side, havingpreviously removed the hose.– Then remove and empty the dirty water tank. When replacingthe tanks ensure that they are correctly mounted.• Whenever the upper tank is filled, the dirty water tank must beemptied.• The anti-splash plates must always be inserted in the dirty watertank.Working with only brushoperation• Pressing the foot pedal again ends the vacuuming and thesuction beams are raised:– Stubborn dirt can be scrubbed vigorously.– Special polishing brushes can polish floors dry.