SW-D7000U, 9CH. COLOR VIDEO MULTIPLEXERJVC PROFESSIONAL, IMAGING PRODUCTS 27was active on Monitor-B before the alarm, then Monitor-B will continue to sequenceafter the alarm is cleared.3.4.3 ALARM DISPLAYS IN PLAY MODEMonitor-A during Play mode - Recorded Alarms:In the Play mode the Monitor-A display will not automatically provide custom alarm displaysbased on recorded alarm status. Monitor-A will display the Playback images from the VCRaccording to operator selected formats, and will display the normal “A” alarm indicator only if acamera was in alarm at the time that a recording was made.CAUTION: If a camera that had an alarm at the time of recording is not selected by theoperator for display, there will be no on-screen indication at all that the alarmoccurred. Thus if an operator is looking for cameras in alarm during Playback,ensure that all cameras on tape are displayed by using a 9-channel multi-screen.Monitor-B during Play mode:Monitor-B will continue to display Live images, according to the operator’s selection. If a Livealarm occurs during Play mode, Monitor-B will automatically switch to the camera in alarm. It willsequence at a 1 second dwell time for multiple cameras in alarm. After the operator hascanceled the alarm, Monitor-B will continue to display the alarm camera that was on the screenat the time that the alarm was canceled, or will continue to sequence if sequencing was enabled.Alarm LED and Internal buzzer in PLAY Mode:The LED and internal buzzer alarm indicators will be activated only if a Live alarm is active.Alarm status Played back from a recorded tape has no effect on these indicators. The internalbuzzer can be disabled via an installer programmed menu item.3.4.4 ALARM INDICATORSOn-screen display of text "A" in each corresponding cameo of multi-screen displays and ‘ALM’on any Monitor-B displays relating to cameras in alarm. The indications will be flashing. Anadditional indication in the form of an LED is provided on the front panel, above the ALARM key.This LED will flash if any Live alarm is active and has not been cleared. An internal will soundwhile any Live alarm is active. This buzzer can be disabled via a setup menu.3.4.5 CLEARING ALARMSTo clear all displayed alarms: Press the ALARM key.3.4.6 ALARM HISTORYAn alarm history is kept in a cyclic buffer. History data, including camera number and time anddate is kept in memory for up to 100 events. The most recent 100 alarm events can be viewedon-screen in the menus, by selecting the OPERATOR menu and then selecting ALARMHISTORY. A table will appear, allowing the user to browse forward and backwards among thelast 100 alarmed events. Each event relates the time of occurrence with an alarm-input number.3.5 MOTION DETECTION