SW-D7000U, 9CH. COLOR VIDEO MULTIPLEXER26 JVC PROFESSIONAL, IMAGING PRODUCTSTwo internal isolated alarm output relays are provided. Both of these relays can be activated by anyalarm input or by the built-in motion detection sensors. Each input alarm can be programmed toactivate either of the relays, or both relays, or none.During alarms, the SW-D7000U can automatically adjust the record list so that any cameras in alarmare recorded at a higher rate. Macro functions, which can execute several pre-recorded keystrokesautomatically, can be activated by any alarm input. Any alarm input can be enabled or disabled.Alarm Handling Capability:Alarms can be programmed to:" Display Full-screen image of the camera in alarm on Monitor-B." Activate either one or both of the Alarm Output Relays." Latch until reset, Timed-Out (latched for a preset time), or Transparent and follow the statusof the alarm input, either active or not active.3.4.1 MANUAL ALARM ACTIVATION ( PSEUDO ALARM )Pressing the ALARM and CAMERA number (of the alarm) keysimultaneously can activate a single camera recording. This will cause thealarm number corresponding to camera number selected to activate. Thepre-programmed alarm responses will activate automatically through thismanual activation. The programmed parameters for the alarm, such as latching mode, buzzersetting and relays will determine the alarm actions.In addition, the camera associated with the alarm will be recorded as programmed.To deactivate this function, simply reset the alarm as normal by pressing the ALARM key.3.4.2 ALARM DISPLAYS IN LIVE MODEDuring alarms in Live mode, Monitor-A will automatically switch to a full-screen view of thecameras in alarm. Monitor-B is simultaneously switched full-screen to the camera in alarm.NOTE: The alarm screen on Monitor-A will be displayed only while an alarm is active. Oncean alarm times out or is cleared, the display will automatically revert to the screendisplayed before the alarm. It is hence very important that the installer selects thebest alarm-latching mode for alarm displays.If the operator changes the screen format while an alarm is active, then the unit will continue todisplay the operator’s selection after the alarm clears - it will not revert to the pre-alarm screendisplay.Monitors A and B Full-Screen during alarms:During alarms in Live mode, Monitors A and B will automatically switch to a full-screen display ofthe camera in alarm. If multiple alarms are active, Monitors A and B will automatically sequencebetween the alarm cameras at a fixed 1-second dwell. This dwell is not programmable. Monitor-B cannot freeze images.NOTE: The Monitor-B screen will not revert to its original fixed display after the alarm iscleared. It will continue to display the last alarm camera. However if sequencing