JVC RM-LP25U Instructions Manual
Also see for RM-LP25U: InstructionsInstructions
9[LEVEL] level adjustment knob:For adjusting the gamma level.Note:� The feature is not available on the camera if the light ofthe corresponding button is not lit. Control using this unitis disabled in this case.H [BLACK] Black Control UnitFor switching the gain value of dark areas. Switch using thevideo signals to be shot.[STRETCH] Stretch button:Enhances the contrast of dark areas in an image bystretching only the signals of the dark areas.[COMPRESS] Compress button:Compresses the gain value of dark areas to enhance thecontrast when the image shot is bright and has little contrast.Memo:� When both buttons light up in green, or when one buttonlights up in green and the other is not lit, the settingbecomes �NORMALB (no correction).Note:� The feature is not available on the camera if the light ofthe corresponding button is not lit. Control using this unitis disabled in this case.I White Balance Control Unit ( A 17 page)For specifying the white balance settings.� [WHITE BALANCE MODE] White Balance Modeselection buttonFor setting the white balance mode.The indicator of the selected mode lights up in orange.� [AUTO WHITE] Auto White buttonPressing this button when [WHITE BALANCE MODE] is setto �AW AB or �AW BB lights up the button in orange andstarts up the auto white feature.After the adjustment is complete, the result is indicated bythe indicator.Note:� When [WHITE BALANCE MODE] is set to �MANUALB,�PRESETB, or �FAWB, this button is not lit, and auto whitedoes not start up.� Setting the [BARS] button S to �ONB outputs a color barimage. In this case, this button is not lit, and auto whitedoes not start up.� [PAINT] Paint button and indicator light:When [WHITE BALANCE MODE] is set to �AW AB or �AWBB, you can specify whether fine-tuning on the value storedat the camera is to be performed.In addition, when [WHITE BALANCE MODE] is set to�MANUALB, the orange light turns on, and adjustment of theR/B channel's gain value using the [WHITE PAINT R/B] knobis enabled.Note:� After the auto white operation is complete, this button isindicated as �OFFB (green light on).� When [WHITE BALANCE MODE] is set to�PRESETB or�FAWB, this button is not lit, and the [WHITE PAINT R/B]knob control is disabled.� [WHITE PAINT R/B]White Paint R/B adjustment knob:The functions available differs according to the white balancemode button selected.Memo:� You can select the corresponding white balance modebutton to store settings for �MANUALB, �AW AB, and �AWBB respectively.Setting Value FunctionMANUAL White balance value that is set using theWhite Paint R/B adjustment knob is used.PRESET The preset white balance value (3200K) isused.FAW Switches to the FAW (Full-time Auto WhiteBalance) mode, and white balance isautomatically adjusted to an appropriatevalue.AW A The value stored in the camera's autowhite balance memory A or B is used.AW BLEVEL G�MM�Decreases thereproducibility of darkareas.Enhances thereproducibility of darkareas.Lights up in green Auto white is successfullycompleted.Blinks in orangeB Lights up in greenAuto white is abnormallyterminated.ON(Orange light on)Fine-tuning enabled.Adjust by turning the [WHITEPAINT R/B] knob.OFF(Green light on)Fine-tuning disabled.The [WHITE PAINT R/B] knob isdisabled.Setting ofWhite BalanceModeSelectionButtonFeature of White PaintKnobStatus ofPaintIndicatorLightMANUAL Knob for adjusting the R/Bchannel's gain value.LitPRESET/FAW Disabled. Not litAW A Knob for fine-tuning thewhite balance valueobtained during autowhite balance adjustment.LitAW B |
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