48To change the Media number for an image:1. Press and hold SHIFT on any bus. If you use theProgram bus or on-air Key bus, you will affecton-air images.2. Press MEDIA 1 or MEDIA 2 to select theMedia-Store channel with the loaded image..3. Press NEXT until Attrib is displayed.4. Use the Attrib knob to select Media#.5. Use the Value knob to select a new Medianumber. Only available Media numbers aredisplayed.Animation ControlYou can play an animation manually or automaticallyand also control the behavior of animation playback.To manually play an animation:1. Press and hold SHIFT on any bus. If you use theProgram bus or on-air Key bus, you will affecton-air images.2. Press MEDIA 1 or MEDIA 2 to select aMedia-Store channel with a loaded animation..3. Press the Run knob to start the animationplaying.4. Press the Stop knob to stop the animation beforereaching the final frame.Note:• You can manually cycle through frames by turningthe Run knob while the animation is stopped.• Double-pressing the Run knob stops playback andre-cues the animation to the first frame.Modifying Animation PlaybackYou can set an animation to playback automaticallyas well as control playback speed and direction.To modify animation playback:1. Press and hold SHIFT on any bus. If you use theProgram bus or on-air Key bus, you will affecton-air images.2. Press MEDIA 1 or MEDIA 2 to select aMedia-Store channel with a loaded animation..3. Press NEXT until Attrib is displayed.4. Use the Attrib knob to select Looping.5. Use the Value knob to set the looping behavior.You can choose from the following:• yes — The animation plays in a continuousloop until manually stopped.• no — The animation plays once.6. Use the Attrib knob to select Reverse.7. Use the Value knob to set the reverse playbackbehavior. You can choose from the following:• yes — The animation plays backwards.• no — The animation plays forwards.8. Use the Attrib knob to select AutoPly.9. Use the Value knob to set the auto playbackbehavior. You can choose from the following:• yes — The animation starts playingautomatically when it is taken on-air.• no — Animation playback must be startedmanually.10. Use the Attrib knob to select Speed.11. Use the Value knob to set the playback speed.You can set a playback speed from:• 0.1x – 1.0x in 0.1x increments.• 1x – 10x in 1x increments.Saving and Reverting AttributesYou can save attributes for an image so they areautomatically recalled the next time that image isloaded from a USB drive or internal memory.Image attributes that have been changed since theywere last saved are marked with a ‘*’.4 51323124 5132