241. Press RECALL.2. Select the memory register you wish to recallfrom as follows:• If you are using Bank Mode, select a patternbutton to designate the memory register in theselected bank. You may also use the Bankknob to change the selected bank beforerecalling.• If you are using Direct Access Mode, select apattern button to designate the desired bankand then select a second pattern button todesignate the memory register.Note:• Recalling a memory register that requires a newimage to be loaded from a USB drive into aMedia-Store channel may result in the currentlyloaded image being displayed for a few frameswhile the new image is loaded.• You can exit without recalling a memory register bypressing any button other than a Wipe Pattern,dedicated key transition, CUT, AUTO TRANS, orsource button.Bus HoldYou can choose to have a bus remain unaffected by amemory recall (the selected source on the bus is notreplaced with the source stored in the memory).To perform a Bus Hold:1. Press and hold the desired source button on thedesired Program, Preset, or Key/Aux bus.2. Press RECALL.3. Select the memory register you wish to recallfrom as follows:• If you are using Bank Mode, select a patternbutton to designate the memory register in theselected bank. You may also use the Bankknob to change the selected bank beforestoring.• If you are using Direct Access Mode, select apattern button to designate the desired bankand then select a second pattern to designatethe memory register.The source on the bus you selected will notchange when the memory is recalled (the sourcesetting stored in the memory for that bus isignored).Memory AI and Recall to PreviewThe switcher can be set so that recalling a memorydoes not affect what is currently on-air. There are twomodes you can choose from:• Recall to Preview — The switcher only recallsthose elements from the memory register that arenot currently on-air. Background elements arerecalled to the Preset bus.• Memory AI — The switcher uses the contents ofthe memory register to configure the NextTransition area and the Preview bus. The switcheris configured such that the next transition will makethe on-air state the same as the state saved in thememory register.Memory AI and KeysEnabling Memory AI mode changes the way keyelements are recalled. If a key is currently on-air, theelement for that key is recalled in the next availableoff-air key. If there is no available off-air keys, theelement is not recalled.All resource sharing is set to FLOAT mode so thatkey elements may be recalled to other keys thanoriginally stored.For More Information on...• Resource sharing, refer to the section “ResourceSharing” on page 14.Memory AI and Recall to Preview ExamplesTable 4 shows the contents of a memory register andthe state of the switcher in various scenarios.Depending on the Recall to Preview setting, theelements recalled are as follows:Recall to Preview Off• Scenario 1› Input 3 is recalled to the Program bus (on-airimage instantly cuts to Input 3).132Table 4 Recall to Preview ScenariosElement MemoryRegisterScenario1 2PGMBusInput 3 Input 1(on-air)Input 1 (on-air)Key 1 Input 4 Input 2(on-air)–Key 2 Input 5 – –Key 3 –