16 ENCABLE BOX SET UPOFFPRESS (2 3), THEN (OK)PRESS (MENU) TO ENDTurn on the VCR and the TV, and select the AVmode on the TV.Setting cable box outputchannel & brandAfter installation, set the cable box output’s channel andits brand correctly; otherwise, the Controller cannotwork correctly.1 Turn on cable boxSelect a channel other than channel 9 on yourcable box.2 Access Main Menu screen on VCRPress MENU.3 Access Tuner Set Up screenPress %fi to move the highlight bar (arrow) to“TUNER SET UP”, then press OK.4 Access Cable Box Set screenPress %fi to move thehighlight bar (arrow) to“CABLE BOX SET UP”,then press OK.5 Select cable box output channelYour selection dependson how your cable boxis connected to yourVCR.● If your cable box isconnected to yourVCR’s ANTENNA INterminal on the rear panelPress @ # until the channel numberrepresenting the cable box’s output (CH2 –CH9) appears on the screen.● If your cable box is connected to your VCR’sAUDIO/VIDEO IN connectors on the front panelPress @ # until “ON F-1 (FRONT)” appears onthe screen.● If your cable box is connected to your VCR’sAUDIO/VIDEO IN (L-1) or AUDIO/VIDEO IN(L-2) connectors on the rear panelPress @ # until “ON L-1 (REAR)” or “ON L-2(REAR)” appears on the screen.● If you do not use a cable boxPress @ # until “OFF” appears on the screen.1 2 34 5 67 8 90VCR TV CABLE/DBS23 43 46 7INITIAL SETTINGS (cont.)TUNER SET UPBAND CATVAUTO CHANNEL SET UPMANUAL CHANNEL SETGUIDE CHANNEL SET3 CABLE BOX SET UPDBS RECEIVER SET UPPRESS (5∞), THEN (OK)PRESS (MENU) TO END75